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We all hate cleaning, so many of us are not surprised we are always looking for ways to make it easier and easier. Thankfully, there are some such alternatives – here are at least 15!
Whether you always clean your home or you should do it only because it & # 39; re expecting guests, these simple tricks can make the process faster and less painful.
You save money on a host of useless cleaning products. Without further ado, here are our inexpensive and easy hacks for a clean home.
1. Clean the blender
Fill the blender with warm water and a drop of dish soap, then open it for a few seconds and let it dry, then drain it with warm water. This is & # 39; t mean that you should not use your sponge afterwards- but remember; Almost everything around the house can be cleaned with a sponge.
Well, now you need to clean the sponge itself because it can hold on to many bacteria, especially after it has been around for a long time. To clean it easily, place it in the microwave for half a minute to disinfect (and make sure you wait a few minutes before removing it because it & # 39; s too hot).
2. Use drying sheets
Even after they have been used, the drying sheets are still magical. You can use them to install drainage ports and shower doors, clean the base boards, and clean the kitchen. We recommend adding a little vinegar to get rid of the water-tight areas – they can work wonders for repairs such as kitchen furniture.
3. How to clean air vents
If you don’t care for yourself, your air spaces should be full of dirt and dust. This sends dust into the rooms and keeps the dirty air away. First, use a comfortable resting tool to try to remove the dust.
If it doesn’t work, rub the rubber with any cleaning material you have around the house and wrap it in butter. This will make the rats clean.
4. Clean the blinds with vinegar
There is a reason why our grandmother always has vinegar and baking soda around the house. Vinegar has many applications, from cleaning the hard water surfaces, as mentioned above, to cleaning the eyes.
Your eyes can easily get dirt and dust, so here & # 39; s a quick fix – add equal amount of water and vinegar to a bowl and get a hand towel to place. This is important because the vinegar can damage the skin. Dip the cloth in the mixture and then run it with each spray to remove dirt or dust.
5. How to clean your bathroom in a jiffy
You can even clean the shower with vinegar – after all, you don’t want to spend the whole day in the bathroom. Just fill in a bowl of wand and half a bowl with half a vinegar and start scraping. You can also use a toothbrush or sponge for the same solution.
6. Use baking soda on a clean cloth
A cup of baking soda will do wonders – succeed & # 39; to believe how white your clothes will be. Just put it in the washing machine before you wash it and add a little salt to remove the spots.
7. Clean your bed immediately
You can use baking soda to clean your bed. It helps to remove any existing scents and spots throughout the fabric. First dust the bed, then sprinkle the baking soda on the area you want to clean.
After about 15 minutes, drain the baking soda using a brush paste on your cleanser.
8. How to clean stainless steel
Stainless steel appliances are usually reserved. To make them shine, get a soft cloth and soften an alcoholic beverage.
Alternatively, you can use dish soap and water to clean the surface and mix in olive oil (to say a few drops) to make the metal shine. Baby or mineral oil in second cloth is also effective.
9. How to clean your computer safely
Never use acetone, ethanol, ammonia, toluene, or methyl chloride next to your computer. Also avoid harsh chemicals and paper products and do not remove anything directly from the screen.
The best way to clean your computer? Slowly hold the white vinegar in the microfiber cloth and draw the keyboard neatly. Then, clean dirtier parts and a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.
Take a hydraulic cloth and gently wipe your circular screen cleaner. If necessary, add the vinegar and water mixture, gently.
10. Pesky grease stain
Combine rubbing with alcohol and salt in a 4: 1 ratio to clean oil spots on carpets or other surfaces. Simply rub the mixture into a square area and let the soil dry. If needed, add any remaining salt.
11. Use tape to clean dust, dirt and debris
Sticky tape will take cracks, dust, and dirt anywhere in the house – cloths, lightning jackets, you name it.
12. To clean the blades with a tooth
Use a toothbrush and an old toothbrush to get the white parts of your shoes looking like a new one – this works great! I’m always asked if I just bought a new couple.
13. Clean the burning vessels
We know how hot pans and pots can be. Also, baking soda and vinegar come to the rescue. Fill a heated bowl with water and a cup of white vinegar, boil the mixture, then add two tablespoons of baking soda. Wait for it to cool, then wipe the burnt stuff out.
14. Use a dry rubber or broom to sweep the foundations of the board
If you haven’t cleaned the foundation blocks in a while, remove the dust using a broom or dry bark, then clean the area. Remove any remaining dirt or dust using wet cloth or socks.
15. The best way to clean board boards
You can clean the boards of the wood board using a sponge and bucket of water and a small amount of liquid to wash the container. Use a wet rag to remove any residual soap residue once you have finished washing.
To conclude
One final note – use a sponge to get the spots away from the tiles after you remove them. Alternatively, you can get a bucket of water, a rug and a light cleaner, and start painting.
Make sure you wash the rag and change the water now. If you haven’t, you # 1; Use a toothbrush to get really sensitive spots.